All of Iowa, Drought, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report August 31st 2013


COOLING DOWN: Another warm day ahead today but will be slightly cooler than it was yesterday where several places hit the century mark. Highs in the 80s to the mid 90s with mostly sunny to sunny skies around. A cold front will come through late tonight into Sunday with a threat of showers and thunderstorms. Sunday will see readings in the 80s dropping into the 70s to low 80s by Labor Day Monday.

SEASONAL WEEK: Next week looks rather uneventful with mainly sunny skies outside of a very slight chance of rain at mid-week (which may go away on the next run). Highs will remain near seasonal levels with readings a few degrees either side of 80 before a slow warm up toward the end of the week into the mid 80s. Lows at night will be window open refreshing with 50s and lower 60s. Some areas may dip into the upper 40s on some nights.

MID MONTH: The GFS has another cold front moving into the state around the 9th and 10th of September with more cool air behind that system. A trough digs across the Great Lakes which will keep us relatively cool through the middle of the month. A ridge looks to set up to our west but it begins breaking down at the end of the period with another system moving into the Northern Rockies. Outside of the chance of rain on the 9th and 10th. Rain chances look rather bleak on this run, much different from a day earlier.

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