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Iowa Weather Report August 27th 2013


NOTE: With You Tube in Read-Only, the video will likely not be up until later this morning. Sorry about that

CONTINUING ON: Heat will continue to be the main story this week across the state along with a backdoor cold front that may drop the temperatures in the eastern and northeastern counties a touch for Wednesday and Thursday before heat returns statewide into the weekend. Highs today will be well into the 90s with some areas approaching or topping 100° especially in metro areas such as Des Moines. Heat indices will be between 100-110 as well during the afternoon hours so be sure to take it easy today and through the week with this heat wave ongoing. A backdoor cold front looks to move into the northeastern counties Wednesday and Thursday which will cool readings down to around 90. There may also be a shot at some shower and thunderstorm activity, but that looks to stay well to the northeast at this time, but it something we will have to watch out for in coming days. The heat returns statewide into the weekend which will make for a very interesting College Football Saturday and High School Friday Night as well.

RELIEF: The GFS does now show the ridge beginning to break down during the latter half of the Labor Day Weekend, with it moving to the southwest of the state. That would put us in a northwesterly flow which will tend to bring the readings down at least into the 80s across the state. There could be a slight chance of some showers and storms Sunday night before High Pressure from Canada noses down for Labor Day. The front looks to move back north Tuesday which may bring another chance of showers and thunderstorms at that time. We’ll have to wait and see if this rings true as that is a week from today and may still change.

FARTHER INTO SEPTEMBER: It looks cooler as we head farther into the month of September but the GFS doesn’t really show any big storm systems that could give us some much needed rain. Any chance looks isolated at this point so we hope this does change for the wetter as we head into Meteorological Fall in a few days time.

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