All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 27th 2013


FOOTBALL WEATHER: We must have transitioned to September right? Cool nights in the upper 40s and lower 50s, highs barely reaching the 70s with some afternoon clouds. It can’t be the end of July, typically one of the warmest times of the year can it? Well it is and we’re having some of the coolest weather we’ve seen in several months across the state. This will last all weekend with mainly sunny skies with some afternoon clouds and highs in the upper 60s to mid 70s with lows at night tonight and again Sunday night in the upper 40s to mid 50s across the state.

RAIN EARLY WEEK: Some more rain chances move back in Monday into Tuesday with a disturbance that will mainly miss the state to the south but could throw some rain shower and isolated thunderstorm activity our way. Rainfall is expected to be light and some areas, mainly north of US Hwy 30 be not get any rain at all with this system. It clears out Tuesday night with more comfortable, yet more seasonal weather to follow through the middle to end of the week.

LATER IN THE WEEK: Another storm makes an appearance late Thursday night into Friday with showers and thunderstorms possible at that time. Highs will be back to near seasonal levels by this point with upper 70s to mid 80s across the state however they could be lowered depending on the amount of cloud cover we see on Friday, we’ll keep watching.

FARTHER INTO AUGUST: The pattern continues to look active with several periods of showers and thunderstorms around as the main westerlies will be overhead. That will keep the heat to our south and southwest and the main storm track over us. This will be beneficial with the lack of rain we saw the past month or so. We don’t see any signs of severe weather in the long term, but always expect the unexpected.

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