All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 24th 2013


SEASONALLY COOL: A respite from hot weather continues through the rest of this week and even into the weekend and early next week as well. It will be sunny today with highs in the 70s to lower 80s statewide with light wind. Thursday a frontal system will approach from the northwest that could spark a shower or storm by the evening into the overnight hours Thursday night into Friday. The front will move through by the afternoon hours Friday with the chances of any one spot getting rain during the period running between 30-40%.

NO CHANGE: The weekend looks great as well with seasonally cool readings in the 70s to near 80 with mainly sunny skies. Another storm comes in Monday into early on Tuesday bringing with it a chance of showers and storms. According to the GFS the main activity looks to stay along and south of US Hwy 20, but anyone could see a shower or storm across the state with the better chances the farther south you are.

EXTENDED OUTLOOK: Looking farther out, the pattern of seasonally cool readings looks to continue through the first few days of August before the ridge tries to nose its way into the state. This would bring temperatures at least back into the mid 80s around the start of State Fair. The chances of rain every few days looks to continue as well which will help the farmers that still do need some rain in their fields after a long dry spell we’ve had this month.

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