All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 20th 2013


COOLER READINGS: More pleasant weather in the forecast today with readings back into the 80s with lower humidity and mainly sunny skies. These temperatures look to continue for the rest of the weekend into next week as well, but another storm system will make a run at the state late tonight into Sunday with showers and thunderstorms possible. This could be an all day event Sunday that may hold the temperatures down possibly into the 70s to near 80 in areas that get rain for most of the day. Rainfall could be significant with a half to one inch of rain possible, which would be greatly appreciated by the farmers.

MORE RAIN CHANCES: Another system looks to bring more rain late Monday night into Tuesday before another period of dry but cool weather moves in through at least Thursday. Another system Thursday night through Friday will bring more rain to the state as well. Readings as mentioned before will remain near seasonal levels, generally in the 80s.

LOOKING OUT: The weather pattern doesn’t look to change a whole lot even into the month of August with seasonal temperatures and the threat of some showers and thunderstorms possible. The heat looks to stay off to our west and southwest, but we’ll watch to see if this changes on future model runs over the next couple of days.

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