All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 16th 2013


REMAINING WARM AND DRY: Sunshine and warm temperatures will be the rule for the next several days across the state with readings well into the 80s and lower 90s. Humidity will be increasing as well so heat indices well into the 90s are possible as well.

RAIN RETURNING: Models continue to show a front moving into the state Friday into early Saturday with a threat of showers and thunderstorms returning. This GFS model run has the front blowing through the state much faster instead of it slowly stalling and the rainfall lasting throughout the weekend. But cooler and drier weather looks to come through late Saturday into Sunday with readings backing down into the lower 80s, perhaps a few upper 70s if the conditions are right with lows in the lower to middle 60s or so. A warm front look to move back in late on Monday into Tuesday with more rain chances at that time as well. Any rain is needed with the dry period that many of have over the last 1-2 weeks.

THROUGH THE END OF JULY: This run shows several chances of rain in the extended period with mainly seasonal temperatures. The ridge looks to make a run on the state toward the end of the month perhaps heading into the first few days of August as well. We’ll have to keep an eye on that over the next few days for any changes as there are bound to be some when looking that far out.

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