All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report June 18th 2013


MID-WEEK STORMY: Today will be a bit cooler than yesterday with still plenty of sunshine around and highs in the 70s and lower 80s across the state. This continues into Wednesday as well with another storm system approaching from the west. There may be an increase in the cloudiness over the western counties late in the day nevertheless readings will still be in the upper 70s to lower 80s with sunshine around. The next system moves in late Wednesday into Thursday with a chance of some showers and thunderstorms. Some of the storms could bring some decent rainfall amounts over a half to three quarters of an inch.

SOUTHWEST HEAT: Winds turn southwesterly Friday and that looks to continue through the weekend into the first part of next week. This would bring warmer temperatures into the state along with some added humidity. Readings look to soar into the upper 80s and lower 90s across the state and with the added humidity, heat indices could very well get into the mid to upper 90s if not hitting the century mark in some locations. There is also an isolated chance of some showers and thunderstorms with the heat of the day as well but these will be widely spaced and many areas will not get much if any rain during this time period.

DOG DAYS: It continues to look somewhat warm toward the end of the month before a slight cooling off period just before the 4th of July Holiday period. The GFS shows some active weather around but no big storm systems at this time, more of the popcorn afternoon showers and thunderstorms that are typical of summertime across the area. We’ll continue watching for any noted trends over the next few days.

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