All of Iowa, Forecast, Severe Weather

Iowa Weather Report May 27th 2013

PLETHORA OF PRECIPITATION: It’s going to be a long week across the state with numerous chances of showers and thunderstorms. Some of the storms could contain severe weather. SPC has a slight risk of severe weather for today and tonight across the southern half of the state mainly south of a Sioux City to Ames to Clinton line. All modes of severe weather are possible with the main ones being large hail and damaging winds. The tornado threat will likely be only across far southwestern Iowa into NE and KS where there is an enhanced risk there. Tuesday shows more severe weather with another slight risk encompassing the entire state with an enhancement across the southeastern 3/4ths of the state. Again all modes of severe weather are certainly possible. We’ll have a better grasp on that later today. Severe weather looks to continue into the middle of the week as well, but we’ll have to wait and see how the next two days go before deciphering where severe weather may set up from Wednesday on. Along with the threat of severe weather, flooding is becoming a big issue across the state with many area creeks, streams and rivers overflowing or running high. Any additional rain will exacerbate the flooding and prolong it further. WPC has 4-6+ inches of precipitation across the state over the next 5 days, this does NOT include rain that fell this weekend, so we could easily see major flooding on many rivers if this came to pass.

WARMING UP: Temperatures will be slowly rising through this week with readings today in the 60s and 70s rising into the upper 70s to lower 80s Tuesday into the rest of the week as southerly winds begin to take over. There will be some peaks of sunshine intermixed between the rounds of showers and storms and that will depend on how high the temperatures get and the possible severe weather that could come from it. We’ll have to pay attention to any slight changes over the next week.

JUNE BOON: Heading further into the month of June, the next dry day across the state looks to be Sunday (June 2nd) through Tuesday (June 4th) before another system approaches from the west next Wednesday lasting through Friday. This could bring some active weather to the state as well, but it’s too early to determine that. We’ll wait until we get this current storm out of the way before discussing anymore activity this far out. It looks to calm down and turn slightly warmer heading toward the middle of the month. We’ll continue to watch for any trends over this time period.

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