All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report May 25th 2013


SOGGY WEEKEND: This couldn’t have come at a worse time, the first weekend of “summer” and rain will pelt the state off and on throughout the weekend into next week. It’s also going to feel more like Early-Mid April than late May with readings in the upper 50s to lower 70s across the state today and 50s to mid 70s Sunday. There will be some dry periods intermixed, namely late morning through the afternoon but even then the chances of any spot getting wet during those periods is about 30-40%. Severe weather doesn’t look likely this weekend mainly due to the cold weather overhead, but as temperatures warm into next week, the chances do increase at that time.

SOAKER WEEK: Tuesday through Friday, chances of showers and thunderstorms look to continue. Some severe weather is possible but it’s too early to determine where and at what severity at this time. Like this weekend, there will be dry periods as well with some possible peaks of sunshine which could destabilize the atmosphere to bring about some of the severe weather that is entirely possible at that time. Rainfall could be significant with the repeated rounds of showers and thunderstorms between now and Friday. WPC has most of the state receiving between 2-4+ inches of rain during this time period. Even without the threat of severe weather, flooding could become a chief concern especially in areas that have had recent heavy rain bouts over the last week or two. Several rivers are still running high and in the case of the Cedar River and the lower portions of the Iowa River, still flooding. We’ll need to keep watch not only for the risk of severe weather but for the possible flooding that may occur with these possible repeated rainfalls from now through Friday at least.

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