Serviceberry Trees in bloom on a hot May 14th day
Hard to believe we had significant snowfall less then 2 weeks ago! Today felt like middle of summer as record breaking heat was seen across the the area as a very hot and dry airmass moved in from the west. Dewpoints lowered and sunny skies prevailed through most of the day pushing highs into the middle to upper 90s. Some locations such as Austin even hit the 100.F degree mark. Normally 1st 90s occur in June so we are a month earlier then when they should occur.
A record high of 97.F was set at the Rochester International Airport breaking the old record of 94
High temperatures seen
Entire area
Austin 100.F
Cannon Falls 99.F
Red Wing 99.F
Dodge Center 97.F
Preston 96.F
Winona 95.F
Rochester Metro
Downtown Rochester ( my station ) 99.F
Oronoco 98.F
North River Court 98.F
Northwest Rochester 97.F
Ouarry Hill 97.F
Byron 97.F
Rochester Airport 97.F