All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 24th 2013


DISTURBANCE: A weak disturbance that we’ve been talking about for a few days now is still expected to move across the state later this afternoon into tonight. This will bring some showers perhaps mixed with a little snow over the northern and northeastern counties of the state during the overnight hours. Moisture will be rather limited with this system as a few hundredths of an inch of liquid precip will be possible from this system. Highs today still will be below seasonal averages with highs in the 40s to lower 50s across the state.

BOUNCING BACK: It doesn’t look to stay cold for very long as temperatures take a turn higher over the next several days into the upcoming weekend. We may see widespread 60s by Friday and Saturday with a few 70s by Sunday into Monday. It does look to stay dry during this time with a system missing the state to the south that may bring a few more clouds to the southern counties Friday and Saturday. This would be a good opportunity for farmers to get into their fields and begin the spring planting.

NEXT WEEK: Another system will move into the state Monday into Tuesday with some scattered showers and thunderstorms possible. It’s way too early to determine any severe weather with this system but some decent amounts of rain do look possible Monday night into Tuesday as the front moves through the state with amounts roughly between a .75 and 1.25″ possible, although this could change as well. A quick shot of colder air will drop readings back into at least the 50s next Wednesday before quickly warming back up toward the end of next week.

VOODOO LAND: The GFS continues to show a cut off low that slowly moves around the Midwest and Great Lakes through the first several days of May. If this was to occur this would keep cooler than average temperatures around and scattered rain showers would also be possible. There could be enough cold air that some graupel is possible as well with the heavier showers with the 540 line close by. This would feel more like Mid-October than the first week of May if this pans out. Otherwise from then on, temperatures look to remain near seasonal levels heading toward the middle of May.

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