All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 20th 2013


MORE ACTIVE WEATHER: Another system is on the way to the state bringing with it more chances of showers and thunderstorms. Rainfall looks to be lighter than the previous system, however this will prolong the flooding concerns along the rivers in the eastern and southeastern sections of the state and help with the ongoing but weakening drought conditions in the northwestern counties. Today will be mainly dry however but temperatures are still going to have a hard time making it to seasonal levels even with the mainly sunny skies. Highs in the 40s to lower 50s will be common across the state with increasing clouds from west to east during the day. Tonight rain will move in mainly across our northern counties, some of it may mix with a bit of sleet or snow but shouldn’t amount to a whole lot. Sunday will see rain overspread the state with the best chances still remaining over the northern 2/3rds of the state. The main round looks to come Monday night into Tuesday as the cold front swings through the state. Enough cold air behind the front may change the precipitation over to a wintry mix before ending Tuesday morning. We’ll be able to pinpoint this a bit better in later IWR’s.

COLD NEXT WEEK: Following the front, it remains cold for the rest of next week. Another weak disturbance moves through Wednesday night into Thursday morning that could bring some sprinkles or a few flurries perhaps more but nothing to be too concerned about. Readings look to remain below average until Friday when winds will turn southerly and temperatures look to bounce back to seasonal levels at that time, with another storm system moving in as well.

HEADING TO MAY: We may be able to rid ourselves of the cold weather as we had into the last few days of April into May. The pattern still looks somewhat active with a few storm systems possible but this could change from run to run. What isn’t seen is more cold air rushing in from the northwest and that could be a sign that wintry weather may be on the way out two weeks from now. We can only hope at this point.

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