All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 1st 2013


COLD WEATHER TO BEGIN APRIL: It may now be the month of April but it won’t feel like it over the next two days with readings in the 30s and 40s today and upper 30s to mid 40s on Tuesday with mostly sunny skies around. Temperatures will rebound into the 40s and 50s Wednesday and 50s statewide by Thursday and Friday.

WEEKEND RAIN: The next system will move into the state from the west and northwest late Friday night into Saturday with some rain beginning in the northern counties late Friday night into Saturday morning. Right now the heaviest precipitation according to the GFS will stay in southern Minnesota but could graze the northern tier of counties during the morning hours. The rest of the state could get a few lighter showers during the afternoon and the rain should be moving out late Saturday night into Sunday morning. Sunday during the day looks dry right now but another storm will be developing in the Plains to make a run on the state into the following week.

LOOKING FORWARD: After a brief break Sunday, next Monday (8th) and Tuesday (9th) looks to be a washout with showers and perhaps some thunderstorms as well across the state with a low pressure center. Severe weather doesn’t look likely as a warm front looks to be south of the state keeping most of the warm unstable air across Missouri southward but this may change in future model runs, we’ll continue to monitor over the next few days on any trends with this system. A few more systems around the 12-15th also would need to be watched as well for any trends over model runs. It is looking to be more active in April with temperatures near seasonal levels with some warmer days and cooler days mixed in at this time.

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