Gardening, Uncategorized

Spring has sprung! 1st blooms of 2013!

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Yellow snow crocus March 27th 2013

The 1st blooms of 2013 are among us! Several sunny days in a row with temperatures in the mid to upper 30s have lead to sheltered early blooming plants to begin flowering. Most gardens still have some snowcover but gardens located along southern exposures melt snow much quicker which allows for earlier blooms. Pictured above are yellow snow crocus located along the southern foundation of the house. Along this same area Dutch crocuses are also now budding and will soon follow. Around other places in the city I’ve  Winter Aconite and Snowdrops in bloom. These flowered literally popped into bloom over the past few days! It seems the long extended winter has rushed the spring bulbs into catching up to where there supposed to be, in which we are about a week and a half to 2 weeks behind. Daffodils, Tulips, Snow Iris and Hyacinths are also sprouting and will soon follow in a couple of weeks depending on weather.

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White snow Crocus March 28th 2013.

Here is a White snow crocus located in a different southern exposure garden in the lawn. These were actually sprouted back in December from very mild conditions and just have been dormant under the leaf cover until about 2 weeks ago when the snow melted away. They are very hardy flowers and can take hard freezes without damage. Last night fell to 18.F the early spring flowers are not effected.