All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report March 27th 2013


HEADING TO AVERAGE: No real changes from yesterday’s report regarding the warming temperatures this week back into the 40s and even lows 50s across the state. We will be nearing average but are expected to remain slightly below that by Friday into the weekend. A storm will approach from the northwest this weekend that will bring a chance of some rain to the state at that time. As cold air comes in behind the storm, the precipitation may changeover to some snow or a mix late Saturday night into Easter Morning. Accumulations are expected to be light and mainly on grassy areas which is likely to melt off during the day Sunday.

APRIL BLAST: As the weekend system departs, the temperatures take a nose dive back into the 30s to lower 40s again given the thickness values. Skies will be partly to mostly sunny but there could be some convective sprinkles or possibly flurries that could build up during the heat of the day. Best chances would be across southern Iowa on Monday as a disturbance rotates around a low pressure center over James Bay.

MORE APRIL FUN: A storm will move into the southern counties of the state next Wednesday through Friday that could bring us a cold rain or perhaps more of that fun white stuff we’ve all been longing to keep around. This is still very fluid at this time and may change as we draw closer to that time frame. One slight shift could bring all rain or bring all snow depending on surface temps which look to be warm enough for just rain but a mix isn’t out of the question at this time either. A few other systems are seen as well into the middle of April but no long term trends foreseen at this time.

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