All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report February 1st 2013


JUST COLD: Cold with a few snow showers possible over the next few days with a couple of disturbances moving through the state. One comes late this afternoon into tonight where an inch of snow is possible mainly in the eastern half of the state. Saturday night could see another one that may bring a dusting at most to the northern and eastern counties of the state as well. Temperatures will be moderating out of the single digits and teens for highs today into the 20s early next week.

NO EXCITEMENT: This current model run is showing no real surprises in the offing over the next week at least. Temperatures do return to near seasonal levels next week with perhaps another weak disturbance that may bring some light snow showers to the state at that time. One thing we don’t see is any warm weather that will melt this snow right away, nor do we see a big cold snap at least until possibly the middle of the month, but that’s too far down the road to pinpoint at this time.

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