All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 27th 2013


ICE CAPADES: Very interesting weather to take place over the next 24-36 hours through the state with warm air moving over colder air at the surface. Freezing rain, sleet and snow will break out during the morning hours across the state. The precipitation will change over to rain over the southern and western counties, while the freezing rain and sleet could hang on for most of the day across the northern and eastern counties. Advisories and warnings have been issued across the area for the possibility of a quarter inch of ice or more and a small accumulation of snow and or sleet mainly in the far northern and northeastern counties of the state.

WARMING THROUGH THE NIGHT: Temperatures will be steady tonight into Monday morning and may slowly rise which will change more of the freezing rain and sleet over to rain. Rain will end over the southern counties by the evening with the northern counties seeing their precipitation end after Midnight. Some drizzle and light fog is possible Monday morning, with most of the day Monday seeing cloudy skies, perhaps some drizzle and a bit of light rain in the eastern counties early on in the day.

ROUND 2: The cold air returns late Tuesday across the state as a cold front moves in from the northwest. Some rain will break out ahead of the front, thunder is possible but is most likely going to be over Missouri and downstate Illinois at this time. Some freezing rain and sleet is possible in northwestern Iowa early on as the cold air sweeps in. As the front moves east, some snow is possible mainly for areas east of Interstate 35. It’s too early to determine any snow amounts this early, but some snow is possible nonetheless.

CALMER: The weather turns sharply colder again with highs in the teens and lows around 0 if not below once again. This will last until next week with a slight moderation at that time. No real trends at this time looking forward to the middle of February.

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