All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 8th 2013


MELTING AHEAD: Snow melt will continue across the state during the daylight hours as temperatures warm well into the 40s across a good portion of the state over the next few days. Areas in far northern Iowa and those still with a substantial snow pack will likely see readings in the mid to upper 30s, which is still formidable for some snow to melt. However at night readings will drop back below freezing allowing what has melted to refreeze on area roadways so be on watch for that as you drive the next several mornings.

RAIN IN JANUARY?: Yes rain will move into the state late Wednesday night into Thursday. It may start as some freezing rain or sleet in some areas depending on the surface temperature but should be all rain (or a rain snow mix) by midday Thursday. Rainfall amounts are expected to be substantial for January standards, about a quarter to half inch is possible across the state. Remember the normal precipitation for January across the state is around 2 inches (of liquid).

RETURNING IS ARCTIC AIR: Unfortunately the warm weather isn’t going to last as cold arctic air returns this weekend into next week. A storm Saturday may bring some rain snow mix changing to snow across the state, but the lack of moisture with this system may preclude much of any accumulations with this feature, thus with a number of areas losing their snow pack, the cold weather isn’t going to be as bad as once was predicted, but it’s going to be cold nonetheless. Highs in the teens and 20s across the state and lows on either side of 0 (dependent on snow pack of course)

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