All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 4th 2013


WARMER BUT NOT LONG: We’ll see warm readings across the state today which may begin to melt some more of the snow that fell during the blizzard over two weeks ago. Highs today will be in the upper 20s to middle 30s across the area with sunny skies. A piece of the disturbance over west Texas will move northeastward Saturday bringing more clouds and a few flurries across mainly the eastern and southeastern counties of the state. This will not amount to much more than a dusting if that. Readings will still be mild ahead of the disturbance with 20s and 30s across the state. However the cold comes back briefly with 20s perhaps upper teens for highs Sunday before warming once more Monday and Tuesday.

SOMETHING NEXT WEEK: Models are not in good agreement with a storm system some time the middle of next week. The EURO has been slower having some rain and snow around here Wednesday into Thursday, but the GFS has it coming about 24-36 hours earlier on Tuesday ending Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. Whatever the outcome, there will be some precipitation, right now it doesn’t look like much but with the models in such disagreement, it’s up in the air at this point. It turns much colder regardless what model is right by the end of the week as polar air comes for an encore.

NOW PLAYING “POLAR AIR”: Straight out of the Yukon, the craze everyone shivers for, it’s POLAR AIR!. It’s going to be making several appearances according to the GFS Model, including late next week and perhaps again the week after that (after a brief warm up). Some snow is possible along the arctic boundary that will be setting up (if model pans out) across the area. This would be a very dry snow and we may see some light accumulations, but remember this is still more than 10 days out at this point.

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