All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 23rd 2012


SEASONAL GREETINGS: Today will see some increasing clouds with a weak disturbance moving into the state later tonight into Monday. Today will see readings once again in the 20s to lower 30s, with some warmer readings where there is less of a snow pack in southern Iowa. Tonight some light snow or flurries will move through the state, accumulations look minimal at best with a dusting as the most. This pulls out Christmas eve with Christmas eve night remaining dry but still mostly cloudy across the state.

HERE COMES POLAR AIR HERE COMES POLAR AIR: Right from the Yukon Territory comes a shot of colder air Christmas day into the rest of the week. This will follow a storm that will move to our south and southeast Christmas Day into Wednesday. There may be some clouds in the southeastern counties from that storm, but the main story here will be the colder air that will move in. This would bring highs down into the teens and lows a few degrees either side of 0. Sunshine will abound Wednesday and Thursday. Another storm may bring some light snow Friday as readings begin to warm once more.

O 2013 O 2013: What will 2013 bring to begin the new year? Right now there doesn’t look to be any trends at this time regarding any storm systems and the like across the state. There is a chance of seeing some more snow but this early it’s not worth mentioning how much or where at this time. Readings look to stay near average for the first week of January but with continued snow pack on the ground, cold nights will be the rule for some time.

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