All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 21st 2012


BACK TO SUNSHINE: The storm that brought the tremendous amounts of snow and wind to the state over the last 24-48 hours is now off to our east. In its wake, terrible and impassable roads, numerous cars, trucks, semis etc in the medians and ditches and a few fatalities in a large pileup near Dows on I-35. But to happier thoughts, the sun will return today with temperatures rising into the upper teens to mid 20s across the state. Winds will still be breezy especially in the eastern counties but will slowly diminish through the day. Tonight will see readings back down into the single digits to around 10. A few locations may dip into the sub zero category. Sunday will also see sunshine with temperatures in the 20s to near 30.

BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS: There is still some uncertainty regarding any possible snow around Christmas time and this model run gives us a better understanding to the belief of you have what you got. The storm looks to be well to our south on Christmas day and Wednesday, with perhaps only an increase in cloudiness or a few flurries at best across the southern and southeastern counties. Although this may change again, it still looks to remain dry during the holiday.

NEW YEARS DAY: Now we can’t say the same about the next holiday, New Year’s Day regarding any possible mischief. This model run does show a storm similar to the one that just passed in the last 24-48 hours. If this were to ring true, you’ll be ringing the new year, in the second blizzard to strike the state in two weeks. This is still way off and we have more time to watch for any trends on this system. Don’t start assuming that it will snow as of yet for the New Year.

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