All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 10th 2012


DRY WEEK: Mainly dry weather through at least Friday across the state with a slow warm up from a cold beginning across the state. Today will see highs in the teens and 20s with highs rebounding to near 40 by the end of the week.

SNOW SATURDAY: Snow will move through the southern and southeastern counties of the state. Right now accumulations will be light but we won’t pinpoint anything until we’re confident about the track of this upcoming storm. No real cold air follows in the wake of this system so readings will remain near seasonal levels after the following weekend.

CHRISTMAS SURPRISE: The GFS has a surprise storm for Christmas with a large storm possible across the middle part of the country. This could bring rain and snow to the midwest and the state. Again however, this is still more than two weeks out and will likely change. We’ll watch for any trends in future days.

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