All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report December 1st 2012


NOTE: Sorry for the bad audio (and sluggish talking), I’m still recovering from my oral surgery.

DRIZZLY BEGINNING: The month of December is going to open with a weather pattern that isn’t much like the month should be. Drizzly, foggy and warm with readings in the 40s and 50s for highs today. The system will move off to the east but temperatures will not drop, in fact we’ll see highs into the 60s on Sunday and Monday before a front moves through bringing the readings to more seasonal like numbers.

STAYING SEASONAL: Readings after the frontal passage on Monday will still be at or just above the seasonal norms for the early part of December. Another front will come through toward the end of the week that will bring temperatures down a bit more, back into the 30s for highs. There will be some precipitation with that system as well, but it will be light at best, and all in the form of rain.

TRENDS NOT TRENDING: Still watching the lack of any trends toward the middle of the month. We’ve been mentioning a snow storm around the 11-13th and it comes and goes with every run. This latest run has some light snow possible in the southern 2/3rds of the state but nothing close to what we showed several days ago. We’re saving the model runs to show how everything can change with one model run. We’ll put it up on the date (unless we actually have a snow storm that day).

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