Month: November 2012

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 17th 2012

[youtube] WARM WEEKEND: It will be a breezy and warm weekend ahead with readings in the 50s to near 60s with partly to mostly sunny skies. No issues for anyone wanting to do anything outside. THANKSGIVING WEEK: A slight chance of a shower on Monday will be the only precipitation during the holiday week. …

Gardening, Uncategorized

Pleasent this weekend, highs rising to near 60.F with a stiff south breezy. Slight change of a light shower or two Sunday, then clearing. Thanksgiving Outlook, Looks to be a nice one, sunny 50s and mild.

Regional weather view Very quiet weather pattern setting back into place for the Upper Midwest. There will only be one little weak system on Monday that could bring a few light widely scattered showers across the region. It will otherwise be very calm and mild across the region. Thanksgiving will offer no travel issues as …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 16th 2012

[youtube] DRY WEEKEND: No changes this weekend with only sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures and some gusty southwest winds. Readings will be in the 50s to near 60 both Saturday and Sunday. Slight chance of rain on Monday may bring a few hundredths at best across the state but some areas will not get …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 15th 2012

[youtube] DRY WEATHER: The dry weather is going to continue for the foreseeable future across the state. Only a slight chance of a few showers on Monday will dot the landscape at that time. Temperatures will be at or just slightly above seasonal averages for this time of year, generally in the upper 40s …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 14th 2012

[youtube] NOTE: Procedure was rescheduled to after Thanksgiving so IWR’s will continue as normal. TRANQUIL WEATHER: No big changes in store across the state over the next 5 days or so. Slowly warming temperatures and partly to mostly sunny skies. Readings will warm back into the 50s by the latter half of the week …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 13th 2012

[youtube] NOTE: There won’t be an IWR tomorrow and perhaps longer due to an oral procedure. PLAIN COLD: November is finally biting us in the butt with the cold air that the frontal system that came Saturday night and Sunday. It will remain cold but slowly rebounding as we head further into the week. …

Gardening, Uncategorized

System Report-Saturday-From record highs in the middle 70s and rainshowers To-Sunday snow and sigificantly colder temperatures in the middle to upper 20s a nearly 50 degree temperature swing!

Photo of sunshine on a record warm November 10th day. This weekend featured a huge change in weather conditions for the area, we went from record highs, to snow and cold temperatures. All of this was in the response of a low pressure system passing to our north. Saturday, a warm front move through in …