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Iowa Weather Report November 22nd 2012


QUITTING COLD TURKEY: The warm weather has one more day left in it before the cold weather returns for possibly the rest of the year. Highs of 50s and 60s today will be replaced with 30s to near 40 on Friday with strong north to northwesterly winds. The far southeastern counties of the state may get an isolated shower but this is remote as this time as the front moving through will mainly come through dry for most of the state.

GOBBLING UP COLD: The cold weather will stick around into the weekend with 30s and 40s for highs and mainly sunny weather. A new storm will begin to take shape Monday and Tuesday of next week that may bring some chances of snow across the southern counties of the state. The model runs have been inconsistent with this system for a while but there looks to be some agreement of some light snow Tuesday into Tuesday night in the southern and southeastern counties. We’ll have more detail on this throughout the holiday weekend.

WISHING FOR A WHITE DECEMBER: If this run of the GFS is right, we may have two storms in which the second one may bring more white stuff to the state. Both of these storms are projected to come through in the first few days of December. The first one will have mainly rain if the model run is right with colder filtering in giving the second one about 2-3 days later more opportunity for snow. It’s too early to determine any accumulations with this or whether it will be there on the next model run. We’ll have to wait for any trends to appear to get more confidence.

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