All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 18th 2012


GRAND DAY: A weekend day in November like this isn’t one to pass up. Before long snow and cold weather will be settling in and days like this won’t be see in earnest until the spring. Readings today will be in the 50s and 60s statewide with breezy south to southwesterly winds and mainly sunny skies with a few passing clouds.

RAIN RETURNING: The chance of rain later tonight into Monday is about 20-40% at best. This will be from a disturbance moving through. Rainfall will be light with many areas receiving a few hundredths at most to perhaps a tenth or two in areas where a heavier shower may pass through. Temperatures drop slightly Tuesday through Thanksgiving with readings remaining in the upper 40s through the 50s for daytime highs.

HIT THE STORES: For the big rush on specials Friday morning (even late Thanksgiving night) skies should be partly cloudy with a very slight chance of a shower with another weak disturbance moving by. Readings Friday morning will be in the 30s rising into the 40s to near 50 Friday, but colder weather on Saturday will hold readings in the 40s perhaps upper 30s.

WINDY AHEAD: The GFS is showing some rather windy systems passing through with more wind than rain and or snow. This may lead to some extreme fire danger especially in the extreme and exceptional drought areas in the western and northern parts of the state. Precipitation as of now looks somewhat scarce for the next two weeks but this could change on any run from here on.

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