All of Iowa, Forecast, Tropical, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report October 29th 2012


ALL QUIET ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONT: The weather continues to remain calm and cool across our neck of the woods, but the same can’t be said for the east where Sandy will create havoc for millions of people in its path. The storm is expected to make landfall late tonight or early Tuesday morning across the southern Jersey Shore (between Atlantic City and Cape May) and move west into Central Pennsylvania by late Tuesday afternoon and evening. Strong winds, very heavy rain and coastal flooding will be likely with this system from North Carolina up to New England. Heavy snow will fall in the mountains of NC, VA and WV with it being measured in feet by the time it’s all said and done. The Federal Government is closed for today as is the Stock Market and many airports have already suspended operations across this area.

TURN FOR THE RAIN: When is it our turn to get some stormy weather? Well it’s going to be at least Saturday before a system will be able to make its way here. The shower chances increase for Sunday with some possible embedded thunder but it looks more showery than stormy at this time.

BIG OL VORTEX: The double trouble of November continue on this GFS run with two fairly large vortexes effecting the northeast once more right after Election Day. The second one at the end of the forecast (see video) is MUCH LARGER and may bring some much colder air into the country, perhaps all the way to the southern states with some white stuff as well! We’ll watch this to see if this trend continues as well.

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