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Visiting NWS Quad Cities

Senior Forecaster Mike McClure in action when there was none.

WSR 88-D (Dual Pol) Radar Dome against a cloudy sky

The Upper Air Sounding Balloon launch (off it goes)

Mammatus Clouds next to the Radar Dome

Had a visit to the NWS in the Quad Cities located at the Davenport Municipal Airport. Had a long discussion with Senior Forecaster Mike McClure (he doesn’t look senior to me!) and went through everything the weather service does during a normal evening shift when I was there (which on a quiet day is practically nothing) Showing how the warnings are created (he demonstrated a warning on a small shower near Hanover IL) and how it’s sent out (which he didn’t of course). We discussed the upcoming severe weather event as the 18z runs were coming in with the threat seemingly moving farther south (as mentioned in earlier IWR) Then it was time for the Upper Air sounding balloon launch done by Meteorologist Tom Phillip who braved the cold northerly winds to fill the balloon and then launch it into the air as it drifted slowly to the south as it rose. I want to thank Mike for inviting me over only 48 hours before a possible severe weather event.