All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 1st 2012


SEPTEMBER RAIN: The southeastern third of the state will see rainfall from what was once Hurricane Isaac today. The rainfall is going to be heavy in far southeast Iowa say Burlington, Fort Madison and Keokuk with amounts dropping drastically as you travel north and west. Readings will remain the the 70s to near 80s for highs in those areas while far northern and western Iowa will see a mostly sunny day with highs in the upper 80s to lower 90s. The rain moves out during the day Sunday and temperatures will return to seasonal levels with some 80s across the state. Another cold front moves in to end the holiday weekend and the beginning of the shortened work week with some more rainfall then as well.

SEVERAL SHOTS: The GFS is showing several more shots of rain in the next two week period through the middle of the month. Along with the rain, will come some cooler air from Canada. This will be a welcome change after the summer we’ve had this year. Remember we are now in Meteorological Fall now.

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