All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report August 23rd 2012


SOME RAIN: The first wave of rain later today into Friday is looking less and less impressive to the point where we almost took the chance out on our 36 hour forecasts especially for the eastern half. Temperatures will remain warm both days with 80s and 90s, some places yesterday got into the middle and upper 90s with the dry air around and this could happen again especially in the southern counties today. Rain tonight into tomorrow will be quickly followed by a more vigorous system Saturday into Sunday that could bring better and heavier chances of rain to the state. Amounts from both systems together may equal a quarter to three quarters of an inch with isolated heavier totals. Severe weather doesn’t look likely with either system although there were a few warnings in South Dakota last night.

ISAAC AND YOU: Isaac, although not affecting us directly is going to do so with slowing systems down over our neck of the woods early to middle of next week. The cold front that comes through here on Sunday will be stalling to our east keeping us seasonal and mostly sunny. However a slow warm up toward the holiday weekend is looking likely with a ridge developing to our west pushing in our direction. This will last for the first part of the holiday weekend when another push of cooler air comes down from the northwest with another chance of showers and storms. This front according to this model run could stall over us and give us repeated chances of storms from Labor day until the middle of the week with seasonal to slightly below average readings. We’ll keep watching.

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