All of Iowa, Drought

Iowa Forecast Video 7/30/2012


WARM BUT NOT HOT: It’s going to be a warm week across the state, but not the extreme heat we saw last week with triple digit readings. 90s will be common for most of the week with slightly cooler conditions toward the end of the week into the weekend. There will be a chance of some showers and thunderstorms but they will be very spotty and isolated. Amounts will be light with many areas that do get the rain getting around a quarter inch or so. Best days of rain right now look to be Thursday and Friday with an outside chance Saturday.

HEAT PARADE: The GFS is bringing the heat back toward the time of the state fair beginning. Right now it doesn’t look like extreme heat but it will be quite warm with 90s possible, perhaps mid to upper 90s at that. This has been a persistent pattern all summer long so it’s not likely that this will change in future runs, but this is the first time we’ve seen the 594mb heat ridge at 500mb coming back toward the state in the long term. Rain chances also further into August don’t look that good outside of the possible MCS that could fire over the top of the heat bubble and coming sliding down to the southeast. We’ll have to wait and see.

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