Agriculture, All of Iowa, Drought

Iowa Forecast Video 7/27/2012


PLEASANT WEEKEND: As was mentioned in our discussion yesterday, this will be one of the most pleasant weekends of the summer coming up. Friday will be the big send off with readings in the lower to middle 80s across the state. This along with Saturday’s ride to Clinton will likely be the best two days of the RAGBRAI trip this year. There is a fly in the forecast and it’s nothing that anyone around here would swat at, and that’s rain chances!

MORE RAIN OMG!: Yes, there’s more rain coming, even for those that didn’t get any or a whole lot on Wednesday night into Thursday morning, several chances exist. One Saturday night into Sunday morning and again Sunday night into Monday morning. However, these chances will be isolated and very spotty, but for those that do get the rainfall, amounts could be around a half to three quarters of an inch dependent on how quick the storms move. More chances are possible with the northwesterly flow next week as well, but we’ll get through the weekend before we look toward those chances as they could change with regards to any activity that occurs here this weekend.

DROUGHT!: The latest drought monitor came out yesterday afternoon and it was about what many expected it to be. The drought got worse statewide and for the first time in 6 years, Extreme Drought has returned to the state. Currently 28% of the state is in Extreme Drought while the rest of the state is in Severe Drought. Not since the drought monitor was started in 1999 has Iowa had the (D4) or Exceptional Drought, but if the dry conditions continue, this could become reality sooner rather than later.

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