All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Discussion 6/26/2012

No Video Today, because the Google Hangout didn’t want to tape the images AARGH, plus the screenshare froze on computer.

HOT AND DRY: One temperate day left before heat returns in earnest across the state. Temperatures by Wednesday and Thursday will be well into the 90s with a few places possibly getting into the triple digits. Heat Indices will be above 100 easily both days across the state and some heat advisories are possible both days across the state. Later posts will explain that. The next chance of rain looks to hold off until Friday and Saturday but those chances don’t look particularly high at this time.

JULY 4TH: There is still an isolated shot at some rain for the fourth, but with the GFS showing no real system in the area, the chances of any precipitation at least right now look to be slim and perhaps very isolated. Temperatures look to be seasonal with readings in the 80s to lower 90s, so it will be warm enough for holiday festivities.

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