All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 6/25/2012


DRY AND HEATING UP: If anyone is hoping for rain this week, they’ll have to wait for several days and through a significant heat wave before getting that chance. Several dry days are in store for the state through the end of the week before some shower and thunderstorm activity returns to the state on Friday into Saturday. Mid-Week will be especially warm with readings well into the 90s and perhaps approaching 100. Heat indices perhaps will get well into the 100s, perhaps approaching 110, which may bring up some heat advisories or excessive heat warnings in some areas at that time.

SOME RAIN: A frontal boundary will situate itself over the state Friday into Saturday, bringing temperatures down about 10 degrees or so and increasing the chances of some showers and thunderstorms. Although the chances are very good at least at this time. Nonetheless the chance is there that we could get at least a quarter to perhaps a half inch of rain at that time. Severe weather is too early to determine at this time, but we’ll keep watch in future videos.

JULY 4TH: GFS, today has taken out most of the rainfall for the 4th of July although we can’t completely take it out of the cards quite yet. The chances are still decent enough to leave it in for now, but we’ll have to wait a few more days before we can get a concise look at the holiday.

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