All of Iowa, Drought

Iowa Forecast Video 6/24/2012


NOTE: There were several issues and mistakes and funny moments, bare with us.

DRY WEEK AHEAD: There could be some issues with rain today, but the chances are slim to none after late this afternoon mainly across the eastern counties. The rest of this upcoming week looks to remain dry and becoming warmer with the heat ridge building across the Plains into the upper midwest. Readings will push into the 90s at midweek with sunshine galore. This will dry out the fields further especially in areas that have received a lot of rainfall over the last month or so. Drought conditions are likely to continue if not get worse over a large portion of the state. The next chance of rain may come Friday into Saturday with a cold frontal passage that will drop the readings back to seasonal levels but the GFS isn’t very bullish on this at this time.

JULY 4TH: The GFS is continuing to show the chances of some shower and thunderstorm activity for the state that day. Given the weather pattern across the state and region over the last month or so, these chances seem slim at best, but we still have plenty of time to look at this and get a clear concise outlook in a few days once the holiday comes within the 7 day period.

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