All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 6/19/2012


HOT AND STORMY: Another day of hot weather is in store for the state again today. Readings will be well into the 90s once more with heat indices approaching 100 again. A Heat Advisory remains in effect across the eastern and southeastern counties of the state through the evening hours. There is a slight risk of severe weather for this afternoon into tonight for the northwestern third of the state. The main threats will be from large hail and damaging winds. There could also be an isolated severe weather threat on Wednesday as well with the cold front moving into the state from the northwest.

COOLING OFF: After the frontal passage late Wednesday, readings will drop back to near seasonal levels with highs back into the lower and middle 80s across the state with much lower dew points as well. Skies will be mainly sunny until the weekend where a chance of some showers and thunderstorms return albeit in an isolated basis at least as of now.

FIRST LOOK AT JULY 4TH: The GFS Model run ended today on the evening of the 4th of July. Right now, and this is way out in voo-doo land, readings will be fairly warm and there could be a chance of showers and thunderstorms (possibly summertime convection that comes in the afternoon and dies out after sundown). This will change in future runs but it’s something to look at as we near another holiday.

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