All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 6/1/2012


WARMING UP: After a very cold end to the month of May, we’ll see a warm up back to the 70s and 80s by this weekend. There’s a chance of seeing some more rain in the offing though later tonight into Saturday and again Sunday night into Monday. Rainfall from these systems look to remain light and scattered with many areas seeing a quarter inch or less. Next week looks to remain seasonal to slightly warm with rain close by but not quite moving into the state. Will look to see if this may change on future runs and future videos.

HEAT DOME: Farther into the month of June, the GFS is forecasting a heat dome over the central part of the country. This would bring temperatures well into the 80s and 90s with mainly dry conditions. This looks to last for several days and is seen intensifying by the end of the run across all but the Pacific northwest. Will continue to monitor this and see if it continues in future runs. Any rain now will be beneficial if we run into a long hot dry spell once again.

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