Gardening, Uncategorized

Spring Growth Update #6 Leaves of Summer!

Downtown Rochester skyline April 29th 2012

This is a canopy view of Rochester as of the current date. The Downtown skyline can be seen in the back round with a crane to the left which is currently working on the future Richard O. Jacobson Building. The weather has been back and forth between warm from near 80 on Tuesday to cold, in the upper 40s with sleet on Saturday. Despite this the growing season has continued to progress at a fairly good rate. Most trees have completely grown in leaves now at least 95% of trees have full grown leaves, with only late trees such as Ash, Honey Locust and Walnuts still having small leaves.

Backyard view April 29th 2012

The title of the post should be called Summer Growth Update because the yard the has a more summer look then Spring! The young Red Maple now has full grown leaves and Lilacs have almost completed it’s bloom cycle. I’ve even went ahead and have begun planting summer tender flowering annuals in pots. In the gardens, Hostas and Peonies are slowing stealing the show, or soon will be. It’s quite odd to be talking about Peonies blooming already. In Wisconsin, I’m accustom to them blooming on the 1st day of Summer, here in southern Minnesota they bloom in late May, but there very early this year.

Front yard view April 29th 2012

Most of the tulips that were blooming are done, but A few groups of late Tulips are sill pretty. All my summer perennials are now up and thriving! The Ash tree is taking its time leafing in, but the Silver Maple next door has fully completely leafed out and is doing what there famous for, dropping seeds!