Iowa has seen a rather quiet weather pattern these past weeks. The Midwest has definitely seen their share of severe weather, such as St. Louis being under a Tornado Warning last night. Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas, as usual, have also ruled the severe weather map the past couple of weeks. Everybody have been asking me, “When will we get our next share of Severe Weather?” Well, Tuesday may be our special day.
Tuesday may be our starting chance for a very active week of severe weather. For the Upper Mississippi Valley, strong to severe storms are expected to start up in Minnesota, North & South Dakota, Nebraska, and the Western portion of Iowa. As of this time, a complete set of details are not available, but we do know that Large Hail, Damaging Winds, and even a tornado being possible.
A major or even minor tornado outbreak currently seems unlikely, however I will say this with uncertainty. It is quite far out right now and many things can differ from now until Tuesday. After Tuesday, there are many Severe Weather chances into the end of the week, but like I said, it is too far out to make any forecast.
Another threat that we are hoping for is heavy rain for the Northwest portion of the state. Drought is moderate to severe, and any rain is appreciated very in those areas. River heights will need to be monitored, but does not seem to be a major concern.
We’ll keep an eye on these storms and continue to update you as needed. A live chat will be published Tuesday if storms do live up to there potential.