Leonard Messel Magnolia at my college campus March 21st 2012
Spring is in full swing now as warm temperatures and now added rainfall has allowed it too continue. Magnolias are in full bloom right now and it is quite eye catching becuase these trees get huge flowers about 4″ wide on twigs becuase they bloom well before the leaves. The fragrance from them are very strong and pleasing. One thing I noticed about around compared to my hometown area is there are an abundance of Magnolia trees across the area. Around my hometown they were a rare find in gardens there. Some of these trees around Rochester are old, large and quite stunning in their size and bloom numbers. The next few photos are some of the beautiful Magnolias that I found while walking.
Magnolia March 21st 2012
This the largest Magnolia I found so far, its very beautiful and smells great and can be smelled from blocks away!
Magnolia March 21st 2012
I discovered this Magnolia in the Winter becuase of its large buds, I’ve been passing it every week waiting for it to pop, it was well worth the wait!
Star Magnolia March 22nd 2012
This is a Star Magnolia, I planted this originally in Wisconsin and it was not properly place there and since I liked it so much I decided to plant it here. The blooms on this are slightly smaller then Magnolias from the photos from above, but they still smell great!
Hyacinths March 21st 2012
Another plant in bloom this week that has really caught my attention and my senses are the Hyacinths, They are short, but have a very strong and pleasing fragrance that fills the entire backyard! I got these as a mixture and was hoping to get some bloom but I got all white along with 1 single pink bloom.
March 22nd 2012
One last photo showing how the recent rains really has greened everything up. This is a scene you would normally find closer to May and not the other month that starts with the letter M!