All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 3/6/2012


WARM AND WINDY: It will be a treat for the first week in March to see temperatures in the 50s and 60s and that’s what we’re going to see today across the state. The warm weather will be coming ahead of a storm system that will move into the state on Wednesday with some showers and isolated thunderstorms. The winds will be the main factor in the warmth, with winds at 10-25mph and gusty.

CONTINUED WARM: Temperatures won’t take a backwards spiral back below average anytime soon. Following the storm at mid-week, readings will only drop back into the 40s to lower and middle 50s for the rest of the week and into the weekend. Chances of precipitation are looking less and less likely for Sunday, but we’ll have to wait and see.

MID MARCH: The pattern further out has a few storms that would need to be watched if they continue on future runs. One on the 18th could bring some showers and thunderstorms as well to the state. One thing is for certain that readings look to remain well above the seasonal norm at least for the next two weeks.