Gardening, Uncategorized

Late Winter Blooms, 1st flower of 2012 winter season opened today. Stunning Pre March blooms, by far the earliest I’ve seen!

Yellow Snow Crocus flower along the warm southern foundation of the garage February 27th 2012

 The 1st bloom of 2012 opened today and its not even March yet, a true sign just how mild this winter has been. The 1st bloom goes to this Yellow Snow Crocus along the warm southern foundation of the garage. These actually sprouted in January due too very warm conditions and lack of snow, since then we’ve only had off and on bouts of winter which kept them from growing much until the past few weeks. Yesterdays high of 48.F really pushed it along, although today was a cooler 35.F, the plentiful sunshine caused it to open. It’s not just Crocus that are growing, I’ve also seen Hyacinths and Daffodils buds showing, and Tulips with 1st leaves. I’ve also seen Day lilies sprouting. Today’s bloom goes down as earliest bloom I’ve ever seen the garden, not only effected by this mild winder but also influenced by the new southerly latitude I now live in. Locals have told me Crocus typically come into bloom at the end of March here in Southern Minnesota and blooms from them in February is unheard of! At my hometown the 1st-2nd week of April was more typical for Crocuses