All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 2/25/2012


QUIET WEEKEND: Temperatures will be slightly above average this weekend with a slow melt of the fresh snow that fell Thursday into Friday. It will be a bit windy as well with a storm system skirting to our north on Sunday. Temperatures will drop back into the 30s for highs to begin the week ahead of the next storm that arrives on Tuesday into Wednesday of next week to finish out the month of February.

THE END STORM: The storm in question moves in Tuesday. We’ll be back in the warm sector again and temperatures after a one day cool off will jump back into the 40s for highs. Some scattered showers are possible ahead of the front as it moves through Tuesday into Wednesday morning. Some rumbles of thunder cannot be ruled out at this time. The precipitation will switch over to some light snow or flurries Wednesday morning and afternoon from west to east. Amounts, at this time, look to remain light but that can change on future runs.

LAMB OR LION INTO MARCH: The first days of March look calm but another system is upon the state by the end of the week into the weekend. We have to get through the first system before being able to determine anything with the second, but this looks to be a “colder” system than the first. After that the pattern calms a bit and warms up as the storm track moves north of the state.