All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Forecast Video 1/29/2012


WARMING AHEAD: It will be a cool but seasonal day across the state with readings in the 20s and 30s for highs. It will warm up Monday and Tuesday with temperatures climbing back into the upper 30s and 40s across the state. This will lead to some melting of the snow where there is still some on the ground. Tuesday, a disturbance moves through with some light rain possible. Temperatures will be warm enough for the precipitation to be in the form of rain. It will bring temperatures back down into the upper 20s and 30s for the rest of the week for highs.

MORE WARMTH: The seasonal readings will be replaced by next weekend however as a ridge that will be developing over the western half of the country moves eastward. This likely will bring temperatures back into the 40s statewide for highs and will melt some more of the snow on the ground.

ARCTIC WEATHER AHEAD?: The GFS has been hinting at an Arctic outbreak in February for sometime and some of the previous model runs have shown it. This one is no exception with a 1052mb high coming down from Nunavut Province in Canada the second week in February. It will moderated by the time it gets to the United States, but it will also bring some moisture in from the west so some snow may break out along the leading edge of the colder weather. We’ll see if this continues on later runs, but as mentioned yesterday, the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) is looking to remain positive through mid month lessening the chances for these outbreaks of colder weather (although not totally eliminating them however)

SPOTTERS!: Still looking for more IWB spotters. Just sign up at [email protected] with your name and hometown (or closest town if in country) and send us High and low temperatures and precipitation each day. You may also sign up and send your reports via Twitter @iowawx