All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 1/18/2012


COLD AND SNOWY: It’ll be a cold one for the next few days across the state, especially by Thursday when readings will struggle to reach the teens for highs. Lows the next few nights will be in the single digits above and below zero depending on wind and snow cover. Another storm blows in late Thursday night into Friday which may bring some accumulating snow. The best chances will be north of Interstate 80 at this time, with amounts possibly approaching 3+”

WARMER: The GFS had really clamped down on the storm Sunday into Monday next week, as in the storm is now forecast to move farther to the south and east of the state thus not effecting us with more than a few flurries. We’ll continue to watch that. Another storm of concern is well out at the end of the month, some 10-14 days out. This storm, coming from the southwest may bring some significant snow to the state, if this pans out.