All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 1/13/2012


WINTER CHILL: Winter has finally arrived to the eastern half of the state with a broad 3-6″ of snow across that part of the state. To the west, mainly of Interstate 35, only a dusting to an inch occurred, if that. Readings will drop into the single digits above zero again tonight across the east with teens west. Highs today will struggle to the mid to upper teens east with 20s west.

ACTIVE PATTERN: The snowy and active weather pattern looks to continue this weekend into next week. A weak disturbance will move across the northeastern counties on Saturday with some flurries or a light snow shower. Accumulations aren’t likely. A more significant system moves in Monday with some rain/snow mix changing to all snow Monday night. There may be some accumulations with that but it’s too early to determine amounts and where at this time. Another system is projected by the end of next week as well.

MORE ACTIVE: Further into the month, the pattern continues to remain active with several possible systems through the end of the month, all of which could bring some significant snow to the state. Some of the temperatures may break above freezing to give some places a wintry mix, but now with the eastern half of the state covered with a snow pack, it will be harder to get readings to that mark.