All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 12/30/2011


PROGRESSIVE PATTERN: Fast moving systems will continue to move across the region through the weekend. The current one that will exit the state this morning is the second of three. The third one will bring some light snow or a bit of a mix Saturday into Saturday night. This will be followed by a blast of Arctic weather that will drop the temperatures back to near seasonal norms for early January. However with the progressive pattern, the cold snap will only last about two days before readings climb once more back toward 40°.

MORE SNOW?: Model is showing another storm that could swipe the state with a bit of snow around the 8th and another a few days later, however as with most of the systems this year, the heaviest moisture will remain to the north thus keeping most of the state without snow once more. Later into the month, temperatures look to get back to wintry levels again, this time for possibly a longer period of time. We’ll keep you up to date on that.