All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 12/27/2011


SYSTEM TO WATCH: There is a disturbance that will be moving through the state Thursday into Friday this week that may kick off some rain, snow or a mix. There’s a better chance of rain during the daylight hours with temperatures likely being well above the freezing mark across the state, with snow or a mix Thursday night. Again for snow lovers any accumulations will be light and won’t be enough for sledding, skiing or snowmobiling. The system moves off in time for the holiday weekend. Temperatures will also remain above seasonal averages through the end of the year.

NOT MUCH CHANGE: The only change there is in the forecast in the first week and a half of 2012 is that the storm projected around the 5th and 6th of January has now disappeared. It was on the 0z and 6z runs yesterday but hasn’t been seen since. We’ll see if it comes back on future runs, but for right now, doesn’t look promising for snow. The run also shows the continuation of snow drought across the area, with temperatures remaining at or slightly above seasonal norms, with several shots of cooler air coming in from Canada.