All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 12/13/2011


RAINY DAYS: Rain will move into the state later today from the southwest. This will continue through Wednesday night with some rumbles of thunder also possible. Rainfall could be heavy, especially across the southeastern half of the state, where over an inch is possible. Lesser amounts to the northwest. Some of the precipitation may mix with some sleet or snow across the northwestern counties on Wednesday but little if any accumulations are likely. Colder air moves back in Thursday into Friday, before another warm up by the weekend brings temperatures back to near 40°.

MORE RAIN: The pattern continues of rain, not snow across the state this month with another system moving in Monday of next week. This, will be similar to this coming storm with mainly rain across the southeastern three quarters of the state with some mix/snow across the northwest. This path of this system may change that could bring more of the state some snow. We’ll have a few more days to look at it.

RAIN AGAIN!!!: The pattern even continues further into the month with ANOTHER rain storm possible Thursday the 22nd. This, like the previous two will be (at least at this time) in the form of rain over the southeastern three quarters of the state, with some rain snow mix over the northwest. We still have over a week on this system and we’ll see if this could be the one to produce some snow. Right now Christmas looks Clear and Cold with readings in the lower to middle 20s.