All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 12/7/2011


SOME SNOW: There is a chance of some light snow across the southern half of the state Thursday with a disturbance moving through. This will reinforce the cold air coming from Canada. Accumulations will remain light with many seeing a dusting, with an inch most likely being the maximum. The snow departs late Thursday night and Friday will be cooler with highs in the 20s and lows in the single digits and teens (cooler in the snowpack areas).

TRANQUIL: The weather pattern thereafter remains rather tranquil through the next two weeks with no real big storm system traversing the state. Temperatures do warm this coming weekend and into next week back into the 30s to near 40, but continued cold snaps will drop the readings back into the 20s to lower 30s by the middle to end of next week. Little if any accumulating snow is foreseen in the next two week period. With it also comes news of no real arctic outbreak as well. With Christmas less than 3 weeks away, it’s beginning to look like a white Christmas may come down to the wire for those that don’t have snow on the ground at this time.